Our Caller
New Club Caller 2021: Daryl Clendenin!
Daryl started calling in 1969 in Portland, OR and has been featured at many of the State and major square dance festivals around the US.
He was a was a full-time professional caller for over 30 years. For 16 years, he and his wife divided their time between calling at the Resort RV parks in Arizona during the winter, and traveling internationally, calling dances during the summer.
He is an accredited caller coach and has taught at least one full curriculum caller’s school each year for over 40 years. He also has done callers seminars and clinics at many National Square Dance Conventions, CALLERLAB Conventions, and for area groups in and out of the US.
For about 35 years Daryl was the producer of Chinook and Hoedowner Square and Round Dance Records. Many of the songs that callers and square dancers around the world have enjoyed were produced right here in Portland, Oregon.
He and his wife Yvonne are currently in a state of “semi-retirement.” After having a home in North Portland for over 55 years, they decided to move closer to their family in an area called Milwaukie Park. Other hobbies Daryl enjoys are song writing and painting pictures.
Daryl and his wife are very proud and happy to currently be a part of the Oaky Doaks Square Dance Club.

Daryl Clendenin
